ATTENTION WOMEN OVER 35: Still Struggling To Lose Belly Fat?

Discover How Even The Most Frustrated Women Are Using This 30 Second Ab Trick To Switch OFF Their “Menopause Molecules” And Visibly SEE A Flat And Firm Belly In Only 21 Days WITHOUT Starving Or Suffering Through Long Boring Workouts

And Yet This Bodyweight Breakthrough Is Being Ignored By 99% Of So Called Fitness Experts


Did you know that EVERY woman carries the “Menopause gene” in her DNA?

This tiny little gene is hidden away deep inside the fat cells of your belly where it remains switched OFF until you turn 35.

Once you turn 35 your menopause gene instantly switches ON...

And your belly is flooded with “menopause molecules” that pile on belly fat fast.

Picture a balloon attached to your kitchen faucet...

Now imagine holding the balloon in one hand and turning ON your water with the other hand...

You feel the balloon swell and you see it quickly expanding...

You see, that’s your belly right now as it fills up with more “menopause molecules”.

Did you know that...

Are You One Of The Millions Of Women Over 35 Who's Secretly Suffering From "Menopause Belly"? Look Below...

Regular Exercise Does NOT Work For Women Over 35...It Only Makes Your Belly Fatter!

Did you know that when you exercise the wrong way you DRAMATICALLY increase the amount of menopause molecules pushed into your belly?

Think about that: the more you workout the FASTER the fat piles onto your belly until eventually your "menopause switch” becomes STUCK in fat storage mode.

A condition commonly known as “Menopause Belly”.

The TRUTH is what you've been told about losing belly fat and achieving a flat and firm midsection is completely WRONG and has the exact OPPOSITE effect on women over 35.

Most So Called Fitness Experts Are DEAD Wrong When It Comes To Women Over 35 Losing Belly Fat...

  • You DON’T need to suffer through long boring workouts to get the flat and firm belly you desire...
  • That’s right…You DON’T have to destroy your knees, hips, and back with running, cardio, and insane workouts...
  • You DON’T need an expensive gym membership, fancy equipment or even ANY equipment...
  • And You absolutely DON’T have to starve yourself...

You’re about to discover a brand new special type of bodyweight movement that's short, simple, and helping women just like you FINALLY see the flat and firm belly you desire FASTER than you ever imagined possible.

Regular Workouts TURN UP Your Menopause Molecule Switch Even Higher - Making Your Belly Fatter!

Once You Discover The Secret To Switching OFF You’re “Menopause Molecules” You’ll FINALLY Have The Answer You’ve Been Looking For And You’ll Visibly SEE The Flat And Firm Belly You Desire

The best part about this new belly flattening movement is that it works WITH your body’s natural female systems that control your menopause switch.

And that's exactly why it strips off stubborn menopause belly fat so fast and helps ANY woman 35 and over see a tight and toned midsection at ANY age - EVEN IF:

  • You’ve damaged your metabolism by doing the wrong workouts in the past and you’re afraid that nothing will work for you anymore
  • You’re a working woman with a family like me and have little to no time for long boring workouts
  • You have hormonal imbalances or you're going through menopause and you feel like your body is working against you
  • You feel you are too overweight or not in good enough shape to attempt some insane infomercial workout
  • OR even if you THINK you've tried everything

This Breakthrough Bodyweight Movement Helps ANY Woman Over 35 Switch OFF Her Menopause Molecules And Finally See A Flat, Firm, And Attractive Belly FAST At ANY Age .

As you're about to see below, all you need is your own bodyweight and literally a few minutes to FINALLY reveal a tight and firm stomach with this quick, simple, and proven belly shrinking movement.

And get this - because of your menopause gene and the hormonal changes your body is currently going through…it actually works BETTER for women over 35 like you.

That’s, along with every other woman over 35, actually have a hidden advantage for stripping off stubborn belly fat fast…You’re just completely ignoring it!

If you think your days of ever having a flat and firm belly are behind you - be sure to read every word of this article and you will be both shocked and pleasantly surprised…

You cannot find this new belly flattening breakthrough for women 35 and over anywhere else. It has never been made available until NOW on this very page.

Just picture this time next week when you instantly wake up feeling younger, bursting full of energy and you look in the mirror to visibly SEE your belly FINALLY looking slimmer and already feeling tighter to the touch.

First, there’s something you should know…You’ve been LIED to…

These 3 Belly Fat TRIGGERS Reveal The LIES You Absolutely MUST AVOID If You Want To FINALLY See The Flat, Firm, And Attractive Midsection You Desire.

Belly Fat Trigger #1

Turns ON Your Menopause Molecules And Makes It Impossible To Lose Belly Fat

If you still believe that you have to exercise MORE and spend countless hours to get a flat belly you have been LIED to.

You see, the old “more is better” way of thinking completely works against women as we age.

Your menopause gene is forced into fat storing mode, your hormones get thrown out of whack, your metabolism plummets and any chance of you burning off your belly fat comes to a screeching halt.

Fat starts to pile onto your belly at an alarming rate because your body is BLOCKED from turning off your fat storing menopause molecules as you’ll see in a minute.

Flat Belly Solution

If you REALLY want to get a flat and firm belly in the fastest and safest way possible then you MUST STOP doing long workouts.

What women over 35 REALLY need is SHORTER and more carefully sequenced movements that work WITH your menopause gene and match your body’s new hormonal state.

Keep reading below because you'll discover a very special kind of flat belly movement you can begin using today to automatically TURN OFF your menopause molecules helping you visibly see a flatter stomach by this time next week.

Flat Belly Solution

If you’re at the age where you feel your days of ever having a visibly toned looking and tight feeling flat belly are behind you - you are WRONG.

It’s actually far easier for women over 35 to target belly fat when you use this new ab method because it perfectly matches your current hormonal state.

Below, I’ll show you a VERY effective and simple movement pattern that you can do TONIGHT that automatically TURNS ON your body’s #1 Belly Shrinking hormone helping you INSTANTLY start burning lower belly fat.

Belly Fat Trigger #2

TURNS OFF Your Belly Shrinking Hormone

Did you know today’s most popular workouts and exercises turn OFF your #1 belly shrinking hormone and make your belly visibly thicker and fatter looking?

For instance, a common exercise that makes your belly look fatter are weighted side bends. While these became popular in the late 80’s as a way to “whittle your middle” the truth is… they’re making your middle thicker and fatter looking!

The same goes for sit-ups and crunches. Why would you want to waste all that time making your belly even MORE resistant to letting go of the trapped fat?

Belly Fat Trigger #3

DESTROYS Your Metabolism

If you still believe that you have to get on the treadmill, elliptical, or run miles to get a flat and firm belly you are WRONG. Cardio workouts are very stressful on women over 35 and destroy your metabolism, attack your thyroid and instantly send your cortisol levels soaring.

This automatically activates distress signals inside your body forcing your metabolism to eat away at itself and push fat directly toward your belly. Even worse, it can actually weaken your heart, dramatically accelerate aging and wrinkles your insides like a dried up raisin.

You’ll be happy to know that you can finally say goodbye to long, useless cardio once you start using this new type of simple targeted ab method below.

Flat Belly Solution

There's a much smarter way to exercise that only takes a fraction of the time of normal workouts AND it triggers a FAR more powerful metabolism boosting, belly shrinking effect on women over 35.

Below you’ll see how this one special type of exercise in particular TURNS UP your metabolism and forces your body to incinerate belly fat for the next 72 hours STRAIGHT.

Just picture it: while you’re fast asleep tonight, your metabolic engines will be humming away, swiftly burning belly flab.

These Blatant LIES Are THE Reason You’re Not Getting The Results You Deserve And The Reason You Don’t Have The Flat and Firm Belly You Desire

And that’s exactly why it’s not your fault those other programs NEVER burned off your belly fat:

  • It’s NOT because you’re not working out long enough
  • Its NOT because you lack willpower
  • And It’s DEFINITELY NOT because of your age
  • It’s simply because you’ve been lied to… ALL Women Have

Instead, to get the lasting results and flat belly you’ve always wanted, you need a NEW approach…

One that combines the latest research of the female metabolism with special bodyweight movements that are specifically designed to rebalance your natural systems and switch OFF your menopuase molecules so you effortlessly burn belly fat instead of piling it on as you age.

You need an approach that:

Can Be Done Anywhere In Just A Few Minutes Using ONLY Your Bodyweight So It Fits Perfectly Into Your Busy Day

  • One of the BIGGEST reasons you don’t have the firm belly you desire is that regular exercise programs are WAY TOO LONG for today’s average woman.
  • What if you only have a few minutes in the morning or in the middle of your day and don’t have time to drive all the way to the gym?
  • Not a problem anymore! Each pattern of 30 second exercises can be done in just a few minutes a couple times a week - using NOTHING but your own bodyweight.

Trims, Firms, And Tightens Your Tummy Helping You Visibly SEE The Flat Belly You Desire

  • Each Workout Perfectly Matches Your Hormonal State So That You Permanently Banish Belly Fat And AVOID the frustration and dangerous health risks of excess belly fat as you age.
  • Imagine how great you feel when you quickly rid yourself of that unwanted midlife belly bulge and finally are able to ENJOY having a beautiful body that makes you proud everyday.
  • This Fail Proof system gives ANY woman at ANY age a step-by-step blueprint for how to get a flat and firm attractive stomach - Even If NOTHING Has Worked in the Past

Quickly Delivers Visible Results You Can SEE And Feel After Only 3 Short Workouts So That You Effortlessly Stay Motivated

  • You’ll automatically AVOID failure because you’ve lost your motivation once again… With visible results every week, you can guarantee your motivation is on auto-pilot.
  • Picture how refreshing you’ll feel when you wake up this time next week and you’re already ENJOYING a flatter, more firm belly.
  • This is PERFECT for women wanting to quickly look your best for that upcoming event this weekend..You now have have the exact formula for how-to banish belly fat FAST.

Releases Age Defying Hormones That Smooth Wrinkles While Visibly Improving The Health Of Your Hair, Skin, And Nails.

  • These quick but genius workouts activate a unique anti-aging side effect inside your cells so that you erase stress wrinkles and AVOID looking much older than you really are
  • Picture how much more energized and youthful you’ll feel and how much more you’ll ENJOY everyday when your body is automatically fighting off aging 24/7.
  • Ever wonder how some of Hollywood’s finest like Jennifer Aniston look so much younger than they really are? Yes, they may invest lots in treatments that cost a ton of money but after only a few weeks you’ll be the one getting asked for tips on how-to look younger and have tighter looking skin.

Permanently Upgrades Your Metabolism So That You Instantly Burn More Belly Fat Every Hour Of The Day…Even While You Sleep

  • You’ll automatically AVOID rebound weight gain or frustrating plateaus helping you quickly and permanently experience a flat belly for life.
  • Imagine ENJOYING a meal out with family or friends GUILT FREE - knowing that you’ll NEVER have to do “guilt cardio” after a night out again.
  • By the time you wake the next morning - your new, upgraded metabolism has been swiftly erasing the calories and steadily trimming the flab all night long so now all you need to figure out is how-to make room in your schedule for more delicious meals out with friends and family.

So What Is This New Belly Slimming Workout That's Helping Women Turn OFF Their "Menopause Molecules" And Visibly SEE A Flat And Firm Belly ? I'd Like To Introduce You To...

Metabolic Activation Training ™

The Answer For Busy Women Who Are Frustrated With Excess Belly Fat That Won't Go Away And Who Are Tired Of Suffering Through Long Boring Workouts With Zero Results.

Why is Metabolic Activation Training™ The Secret to achieving the flat and firm belly you desire FASTER than you ever imagined possible? Because it activates all 3 parts of your body's natural systems that absolutely MUST be working together in order for women to lose belly fat as they age.

This is not only the fastest way possible for your body to burn all your unwanted belly fat… It’s the ONLY way.

As you now know, once you hit 35 your body automatically flips your switch ON and every year after that your belly is flooded with more “menopause molecules” that BLOCK your metabolism from burning fat.

And when you exercise the wrong way, this natural process is forced into overdrive and accelerates fat storage in your belly.

However, you can reverse this process and use this little “metabolic defect” that all of us women have to your advantage.

You see, because of the hormonal changes your body is going through you can actually burn off your belly fat FASTER and easier than men or younger women when you use metabolic activation training.

That’s right, women over 35 actually have a hidden advantage for quickly burning belly fat..You’re just completely ignoring it!

The best part about this belly slimming breakthrough is that you can get amazingly fast results using nothing but your own bodyweight in about 1/4 of the time of normal workouts.

So not only does this special belly flattening method work to burn belly fat faster than anything you've ever done in the past...It's also FAR more practical so you effortlessly stay on track.

And that's exactly why even women with the most stubborn belly fat are seeing their absolute slimmest and most attractive midsection's ever using this breakthrough flat belly method when nthing else would work.

ANY Woman Can Use This Simple Method To Experience A Flat And Firm Belly At ANY Age...

No Matter Your Fitness Level!

  • It DOESN'T matter how old you are
  • It DOESN'T matter how out of shape you are
  • It DOESN'T matter if you only have very little time to workout
  • It DOESN'T matter if you don’t have a gym membership
  • It DOESN'T matter if nothing has ever worked for you
  • You DON'T have to spend hours working out
  • You DON'T have to do cardio
  • You DON'Tneed fancy equipment - Just your own bodyweight
  • And You absolutely DON'T need to starve yourself

The REAL Belly Slimming "Magic" Happens AFTER Your 3rd Workout

You see after completing each of the 3 types of workouts, all the components of your metabolism are synergistically working together to burn more fat from your belly, every hour of the day.

Your belly fat automatically starts to burn itself off, which is amazing, seeing that you are seeing such rapid waist slimming results while ONLY actually working out for a few minutes 3 times a week.

THIS is how ANY woman at ANY age at ANY fitness level can use little little known female fat loss advantage and effortless burn belly fat 24/7.

Every woman you and I know that has an amazingly flat and firm belly as she ages is using all 3 of those steps to her advantage right now.

Even if she doesn’t know it, that’s what’s allowing people like her and I to effortlessly keep the weight off while having trim thighs and a flat tummy as we age.

And that’s exactly why you’ve been frustrated year after year with the fat hanging off your belly.

  • It’s not because you’re not working hard enough
  • It’s not because you don’t want it bad enough
  • It’s not because you lack willpower
  • It’s simply because you’re not activating all 3 parts of your fat burning system…that’s it
  • That’s why it’s not your fault those other programs never worked for you..they work against your body and were making it virtually impossible for you to ever achieve the flat and firm belly you desire.

This Proven 3 Step Flat Belly Formula Helps ANY Woman Visibly SEE A Tight And Toned Midsection - At ANY Age.

The reason my trademarked 3 Step Flat Belly Formula is so amazingly effective at burning off your belly fat is that it uses a very specific and unique pattern of flat belly movements that rebalance your body's natural systems.

When you follow all 3 steps the right way and in the right order, something amazing happens:

  • 1


    First, you'll Switch OFF your menopause molecules which will FORCE Your Body To INSTANTLY Start Melting Belly Fat In Less Than 24 Hours.

  • 2


    You'll TURN ON your body's belly shrinking hormone and this is where you'll really SEE Your Tummy Automatically Tighten Up Week After Week.

  • 3


    You'll TURN UP your metabolism to INSTANTLY Force Your Body To Incinerate Belly Fat Non-Stop For 72 Hours.

The problem with todays most popular workouts are they ONLY focus on #3 - Your Metabolism and how many calories you’re burning DURING your workout. Now, the really good ones (like the top 1%) focus on your metabolism AND your hormones.

Yet, what I discovered after working with 1,000’s of women just like you is that NONE of them focus on the most important step of all #1 - Switching OFF your menopause molecules.

Without doing this FIRST the other 2 steps are useless. And without doing all 3 steps the right way in the right order…you simply can’t burn off your belly fat.

I mean don’t get me wrong, you’ll work up a good sweat and you’ll even be sore the next day…but you’ll NEVER see the flat and firm belly you desire this way….

Who Am I And How Did I Discover These Little Known Slim Belly Secrets?

My name is Shawna Kaminski and I’ve spent the last 25 years working with 1,000’s of REAL women just like you and examining the REAL reasons behind why today’s most popular workouts just don’t help women over 35 burn belly fat.

I’ve also had the privilege to work alongside some of the top menopause fat loss and anti-aging experts in the world to seek out what really works for women over 35 and see first hand their most prized secrets for rapidly stripping off stubborn belly fat that were virtually hidden from the general public.

And it all comes down to whether or not you’re activating all 3 parts of your body's natural systems. All 3 absolutely MUST be working together in order to switch OFF your menopause molecules and see the flat and firm belly you desire.

When I first discovered that no other fitness professional was sharing this little known flat belly secret with their female clients…well honestly I felt morally obligated to do something about it.

Most women feel that they can’t have a flat and firm belly after 35, which is an absolute lie. Only when your body stops working together is when your belly is flooded with menopause molecules making it impossible to achieve a flat and firm midsection.

I see it all the time…women over 35 working so much harder than anyone else yet get zero results…

I’ve worked with women in their 40’s,50’s, and even 60’s who experienced a tight and toned midsection, some for the very first time, using these exact slim belly secrets.

And that’s why women don’t mind paying top dollar and traveling to my personal studio to consult with me. Like Judy… She was one of the first women who used this special belly slimming breakthrough I’m about to share with you.

How An ABSURD "Bikini Bet" Led To The Shocking Discovery Of This Magical Flat Belly Formula.

I wanted to prove Judy wrong soooo bad… You see, Judy was a new client of mine that was really struggling.. She was about to turn 48…and she had..well..given up.

She was depressed because she use to be such an active person and love working out but now she loathed it because was working out MORE and yet she just kept gaining weight in her belly.

She felt hopeless — like her best years were gone. Judy had convinced herself that it was normal to be Fat, Sick, Tired and just plain old at 48… I was having a heart-to-heart with her one day because I knew that if I could just get Judy to set some new goals she would feel refreshed and motivated again.

I kept telling her “Think BIGGER Judy..”

“Well I’d really like to be able to enjoy myself at the lake this summer, but that’s not happening with this”…she said as she grabbed ahold of her belly.

“ I just want to be active again without feeling old and broken down…I feel awful Shawna…”

“Getting warmer Judy..but BIGGER”

She laughed…

“What do you want me to say Shawna, I wanna look like some cover model in a bikini or something by the summer? “

We both just kinda looked at each other and laughed, wondering if the other was serious…

I told her “That’s it Judy..THAT’s what we’re going to do… we’re going to trim down and tone up your belly and we’re going to get you in a bikini by summer”

She spouted out a sarcastic laugh and said ….

“ HA! I’m too old for that now Shawna, there’s NO WAY - my body just won’t let me…”

Right when those words came out of her mouth - it hit me…

Judy just THOUGHT it wasn’t possible so she just never bothered to say that for the fear of looking silly.

She had given up because of some stupid number….her age and I was going to prove her wrong.

I said “ Judy I bet you by summer I can get your belly looking so amazing in a bikini that you wont want to come home from vacation.”

It was an awfully big promise but I knew it had to be if I was going to keep Judy motivated….

Needless to say I won the bet because Judy said she felt 28 again that summer.

“Shawna, I am so proud of my accomplishments and feel so good about how my belly looks at 48 years old, that I can honestly say its better than when I was 28. My husband says I am sexier than ever.”

She was a completely different person…she had an extra pep in her step and was bursting with energy and glowing full of youth. Her belly was now flat and firm to the touch with just the right amount of definition..

She said this was the first time in 20 years that when she bent over to pick something up her tummy rolls didn’t rub together.

I’m so proud of Judy and I’m so glad I made a Bikini Belly Believer out of her. After seeing how much of a difference having a bikini belly made on Judy’s life it hit me…

Having a Bikini Belly is so much more than just looking and feeling great in a swimsuit. It's a state of mind…one that Judy lost a long time ago…

"I feel so good about how my belly looks at 48 years old"

"My husband says I am sexier than ever."

It's saying that you can take control of your health and still have a beautiful body that makes you proud everyday at ANY age-even if you never plan on acutally getting into a bikini again. Age is just a number and having the bikini belly mindset keeps you alive, bursting with energy, and full of youth.

I was so excited and amazed by this bikini belly breakthrough that I just knew that I had to get this special belly flattening strategy into the hands of more women like Judy who couldn’t come to my studio and work with me.

And now, starting TODAY, you can use this exact flat belly secret to your advantage to see your flatest and most attractive midsection ever... FASTER than you ever imagined possible.

Introducing My Bikini Belly...

The Only Flat Belly Training System For Women 35 And Over That Switches OFF Your “Menopause Molecules” And Helps You Visibly SEE A Flat And Firm Belly In Only 21 Days WITHOUT Starving Or Suffering Through Long Boring Workouts

I am so excited to FINALLY be sharing these flat belly secrets with more women 35 and over just like you. You see, even though these same one of a kind flat belly strategies have helped thousands of my personal female clients over 35…

My mission is to help 1 Million women over the age of 35 see a flat and firm belly - and the only way to do that was to package up all my secrets into one easy to use and proven follow along system.

My Bikini Belly is a 21 day bodyweight system that contains follow along workout videos that can be completed in just a few short minutes using absolutely no equipment and without having to leave the privacy of your own home.

This proven flat belly training system is designed specifically for women over 35 who haven’t been able to get a flat tummy no matter how hard you try. If this sounds like you, then Bikini Belly is your answer.

I've Specifically Designed This Flat Belly System So That ANY Woman At ANY Age At ANY Fitness Level Can Use It.

It Doesn't Matter How Old You Are Or How Out Of Shape You Are...ANY Woman Can Use This Simple Bodyweight Method To Visibly SEE A Flat And Firm Belly FAST!


Just LOOK At Victoria And Jody's New Bikini Belly!


"My results are very exciting and have me looking forward to the next workout!"

My results are very exciting and have me looking forward to the next workout! And my workouts are shorter so I have more time in my day to get other things done. I'm so happy to have purchased your program!


"The Workouts Are Never Boring And Really Fast!"

I have managed to regain control of my health and waistline in ways that I know I will be able to sustain. Why? Because the workouts are never boring and really fast. My body has turned into a fat burning machine! So, if you’re looking for a program that WORKS, I am a living testament that with a little bit of your own sweat equity Shawna works wonders!


Here’s Your Exact 3 Step Bikini Belly Blueprint

To Visibly SEE Your Slimmest, Most Attractive Stomach EVER In Only 21 Days

The magic behind why My Bikini Belly is drastically more effective at stripping off sturbborn belly fat for women over 35 is all in the sequencing and exercise selection of the 3 special type of flat belly workouts. Each bodyweight workout has been carefully programmed to work WITH your menopause gene and perfectly match your current hormonal state.

Each workout strategically builds off the last and works together so that after every 7 days you’re burning MORE belly fat EVERY hour of the day.

When you combine all 3 types of flat belly workouts together each week, your overall belly flattening results are MUCH greater than each workout by itself.

Let me tell you about each of these special Bikini Belly workouts...

Workout #1 - Bikini Belly FLUSH

SWITCH OFF Your Menopause Molecules And INSTANTLY Start Melting Belly Fat Off Your Waist In Less Than 24 Hours.

This first flat belly workout is filled with simple but very unique types of bodyweight movements that turn OFF your menopause switch and instantly flush out your menopause molecules so that your belly fat automatically starts to burn itself off.

Here's just a sample of what you'll discover:

  • A little-known exercise sequence trick that forces your body to burn off your lower belly fat.
  • Special flat belly movements that INSTANTLY activate more of your metabolism so that you’re burning MORE belly fat even while you sleep.
  • The absolute BEST movements for flooding your cells with anti-aging ”youth” hormones.

Workout #2 - Bikini Belly BURN

Turn ON Your Belly Shrinking Hormone And Strip Off Stubborn Belly Fat FAST While Toning Your Midsection

This second flat belly workout builds upon workout 1 to instantly activate your body's #1 belly shrinking hormone and literally strip off even the most stubborn belly fat in record time.

Here's just a sample of what you'll discover:

  • Special flat belly TARGETING movements that slim and firm your midsection while you blast off belly fat.
  • A special flat belly movement pattern that signals your body to rebalance your menopause gene and reprogram your hormones so you instantly unlock and burn off even the belly fat that seems stuck.
  • My powerful metabolic countdown method that forces your body to automatically release a wave of youth hacking hormones helping you turn back your clock from the inside out.

Workout #3 - Bikini Belly BLAST

TURN UP Your Metabolism And Incinerate Lower Belly Fat Non-Stop For 72 Hours.

This third and final type of flat belly workout builds off of workout 2 to completely optimize your metabolism and maximize your belly flattening results like never before.

Here's just a sample of what you'll discover:

  • Little known metabolic bursts movements that activate even more heat in your metabolism through thermogenesis, which forces your body to incinerate belly fat for the next 72 hours.
  • My Special “Beat The Bloat” routine that helps De-puff and eliminate bloat in your belly.
  • The quick but genius exercise trick that TURNS ON anti-aging molecules inside your cells that fight off wrinkles while increasing your energy and decreasing fatigue.

This PROVEN Bikini Belly Blueprint Works For Any Woman, At Any Age, At Any Fitness Level…EVEN IF…

"I'm Too Busy And Don't Have Time"

As a busy mom, I can vouch for the fact that there's simply not enough hours in the day. That's why I’ve specifically designed these follow along workouts to give you the absolute BEST belly slimming and anti-aging results possible in shortest amount of time possible so you can get in, get out, and get on with your day. Each workout only takes minutes and can be completed anywhere with nothing more than your bodyweight so it will work for you even if you’re a working woman with a family like me and have little to no time to workout. Honestly, if you don’t have a few minutes, 3 times a week to get a flat and firm belly... then this is not for you.

"I'm Too Old To Have A Bikini Belly"

Bikini Belly is so much more than just looking and feeling great in a swimsuit. It's a state of mind - It's saying that you can take control of your health and still have a beautiful body that makes you proud everyday at ANY age-even if you never plan on getting into a bikini again. Age is just a number - having the bikini belly mindset keeps you alive, bursting with energy, and full of youth.

"My Hormones Are All Out Of Whack"

Perfect -this will work BETTER for you then! You can use the sensitive nature of your hormones to your advantage and actually burn belly fat faster and easier than men or younger women. Each workout is intelligently designed to match your new hormonal, and metabolic changes that are going on in your body so even if your going through menopause or perimenopause, you can still achieve the flat and firm belly you desire.

"I'm Too Out Of Shape"

I show you exactly how to customize each workout so ANY woman at ANY age at ANY fitness level can use this simple follow along system. It doesn't matter if you're a complete beginner, haven’t worked out in years, or even if you THINK you're too out of shape...We all start somewhere and together, we'll get you the flat and firm belly you desire.

"Nothing Ever Works For Me"

Then is very likely that you've damaged your metabolism by doing the wrong workouts in the past and now your body is being flooded with more fat storing menopause molecules. It doesn't have to be that way. Even the most frustrated women who haven't been able to lose an ounce in years are FINALLY experiencing a slim and toned midsection. Some for the very first time - better late than never.

You Simply Can't Find These Bikini Belly Secrets Anywhere Else

What makes this system truly unique is the fact that I spent the last 25 years working along side some of the top female fat loss, anti-aging, and menopause experts in the world to compile all of these belly slimming secrets into one follow along flat belly program.

As well as having worked with 1,000’s of REAL women just like you and examining the REAL reasons behind why today’s most popular workouts just don’t burn belly fat for women over 35.

I can guarantee you’ve never experienced anything like this, unless you’ve visited my personal studio here in Canada to work with me. The bottom line is: you simply can’t find anything like this anywhere else except on this very page.

NO other program is specifically designed to meet YOUR Needs - I’m talking about your hormonal, metabolic, and physiological needs - This is ONLY way to finally get a flat and firm belly after you age past 35.

Not to mention a program that was designed by someone that GETS YOU - we’re both busy women with a lot going on, and I get that. That’s why I promise I’ve designed this program so that you can get in, get out, and get on with your day knowing that you’ll be burning belly fat for the NEXT 72 hours straight.

"I’m happier, healthier, sleeping better and I feel great."


All of the Workouts are quick and so easy to do at home. I’m happier, healthier, sleeping better and I feel great. Shawna’s knowledge, encouragement, kindness and dedication to me were the key to my success. These workouts truly have been a life altering experience. Thank you Shawna!


Bikini Belly Is NOT For Every Woman

I have to be 100% honest with you... I know that I can't help every woman with this this program. That's because even though Bikini Belly works for any woman, it's definitely NOT for every woman. For instance...

If you're looking for yet another quick fix…You know what I mean and let's just be honest: these are not solutions, they are train wrecks waiting to happen, and you KNOW they don't work. Then it’s probably best that we part ways now so neither one of us wastes anymore time.

This is NOT some nonsense "magical cure" for getting a flat belly…

This 21 day follow along workout system is a realistic, 100% proven blueprint for getting you a flat and firm belly that WORKS.

It’s ONLY for women who are ready to stop looking, hoping, and wishing for “miracles and quick fixes" and start guaranteeing your results instead. You and I both know that there is no such thing as easy street where you get something for nothing…but I’ve made THIS as easy as it gets…

So, if you're a woman who wants the REAL ANSWER to achieving the flat and firm belly you truly desire while looking and feeling years younger…Then the Bikini Belly system isn’t just the solution for you…It’s the ONLY solution for you!

"These programs are quick and effective...If you want results look no further than Shawna!"


As a busy mom of two little boys, trainer and busy Bootcamp owner I cannot say enough about Shawna K's program. Her program is top notch and keeps me on my game! She helps me take my training to the next level. These programs are quick and effective. If you want results look no further than Shawna!

Kathe - Louisville

Now You Can Use the EXACT SAME Flat Belly Secrets My Clients Pay Me Over $400 Per Hour For...

But For Only A Fraction Of The Cost

Now, you may believe that a one of a kind flat belly system JUST for women that can do all of this, and much more, costs a pretty penny… And, in all honesty? It really should.

After all, The Bikini Belly secrets you’re about to experience have already helped thousands of women just like you quickly achieve their absolute best results ever.

Not to mention if you came to Calgary to train with me in person, assuming there’s an opening, it would cost you upwards of $400 an hour to sit down with me and have me design a personalized ab program for you.

If you come to our first meeting absolutely 100% prepared then we could cover all the bases in about 2 consultations. Of course, and I think you would agree, $800 to know the flat belly secrets behind some of the best female bodies in hollywood would be well worth it - considering it would save you years of trial, error, frustration, and disappointment.

However, for the very first time EVER, I’m allowing you to receive the same full proof, REAL results flat belly program that my personal clients receive at a FRACTION of the cost of seeing me in person.

PLUS there's absolutely ZERO risk to you…

Look, You Don't Have To Decide Right Now…

I completely understand that it may be difficult for you to see yourself achieving a tight and toned mid-section - just like it was for all of the other women who were exactly where you are now that I finally made believers out of...

You see, I already know just how powerful this system truly is and how certain I am that it will work for … That's why I won’t even think twice about making sure that all of the risk is on me. That’s right, you DON’T have to decide right now...

Take advantage of my Unconditional "Triple Guarantee” and get results first, then decide. Experience The Entire Bikini Belly System for 60 full days, on me and see the results you desire, or you pay nothing!


The Bikini Belly


Guarantee #1:

ANY Woman At ANY Age At ANY Fitness Level Can Do It

After 25 years of working with women just like you I’ve learned this — we’re all starting from very different places - that’s why I’ve made absolutely sure that any woman at any age at any fitness level can get a flat and firm belly with this system.

Guarantee #2:

Fast And Lasting Results

When you start your Bikini Belly journey with me you’ll quickly begin to visibly see your belly shrinking week to week. You’ll FINALLY rid yourself of the unwanted fat hanging on to your stomach and love handles while your energy soars and you look and feel years younger.


Guarantee #3:

Best Customer Service

When you join the Bikini Belly Family you’ll never be alone. I’ll always be by your side and ready to answer any and all questions you might have and help you overcome any challenges you may face along the way.


Limited Copies Of My Bikini Belly Available At This Special Price -- Hurry!…

Bikini Belly was suppose to be sold only as a 3 disk DVD hard set. However, the initial hard copy’s sold out like hotcakes and because this is my first hard copy product we’re not suppose to do another big shipping order until spring of 2016 - This Canadian chick just can’t cover all those costs by my little ol self.

So I convinced my publisher to have a fire sale on the digital version to the first group of action takers because I KNOW that there’s women out there just like you who want to start seeing a visibly flatter and firmer feeling belly now!

Publishers don’t really think of those little details.

That’s why I’m practically GIVING it away to you today for ONLY $15 measly bucks!

It’s first come first serve and I am not sure how long I can get away with this digital fire sale so please take action now, so you can still get My Bikini Belly at this ridiculously deep discount..

Seriously, $15 is the price of one movie ticket…and wouldn't you rather be out enjoying your new Bikini Belly instead of at the movies - you already know the movie is never as good as the trailer anyway.

Act now and claim the flat and firm belly you've always desired by clicking the "Buy Now" button below and your special discount coupon will instantly be applied to your order.

Claim Your Copy of My Bikini Belly TODAY And Get Instant Access To The Entire Belly Flattening System!

bikini Belly discount coupon


"I now have abdominal muscles that I have never had in my life! My training allows me to think more clearly, I sleep better, I am stronger, I look and feel better."

ReanaSaraceniI noticed the physical changes rather quickly. My muscle tone continues to increase as does my strength and endurance and I now have abdominal muscles that I have never had in my life! My training allows me to think more clearly, I sleep better, I am stronger, I look and feel better. After 20 years of searching for the perfect trainer and program, I finally found something that works for me. Sticking with a program is no longer a problem. What an incredible difference Shawna has made in my life!


You Owe This To Yourself ...

Don’t You Think You Deserve To Have A Flat Belly That's Firm To The Touch That You Can Look At In The Mirror And Feel Proud Of Everyday ?

Life Is Short, And You've Been Struggling Far Too Long With Not Having The Belly You Desire...And the pain of continuing without taking action will only lead to more despair, more frustration…

  • The unwanted fat around your belly will continue to plague you every single day and keep you from feeling confident in your own body.
  • You’ll continue to feel old and well beyond your age preventing you from truly enjoying everything you’ve worked so hard your whole life for.
  • Your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s will continue to rise with each passing year taking weeks,months, and even years off of your life.

None of this is what I desire for you and you know that you deserve to feel better when you wake up every morning, look better when you see your reflection in the mirror and have all around better health than you do right now.

If not for yourself, think about your family and loved ones who all rely on you everyday.

There’s a lot of people rooting for you and right now..this very second… you have the opportunity to take action, change everything, and claim the flat belly you desire.

Right now, when you choose to take action and follow my simple step-by-step system everything will change for the better…Just like it has for all of the other women who’ve experienced their best results ever when nothing else would work.

Your Price Today: $15


"I started Shawna's workouts and I'm hooked."

I started Shawna's workouts and I'm hooked. I've noticed my strength has dramatically increased, my endurance and stamina has gone through the roof. My physique is more athletic and fit. I recently ran the OC Half Marathon at the last minute with NO training what so ever.

But, since I've been using Shawna's new method I finished the marathon strong, with no issues with my bum knee. Plus I can't wait to run my next marathon as I continue to incorporate Shawna's workouts to my daily routine. I'm hooked!

- Sylvia

Just Imagine How Amazing You’ll FEEL...

That first morning you wake up to being able to visibly SEE the flat and firm belly you’ve always desired…

You spring out of bed, bursting full of energy feeling completely alive again…

You walk to your closet full of hope and optimism knowing that anything you see fits perfect because you now look and feel better than ever and you’re enjoying every second of it…

You feel younger as you can visibly see that your skin is now vibrant and glowing full of life and youth…

You're finally experiencing the body and life you deserve - at long last!

Remember - the only reason you’ve been frustrated year after year with the fat hanging off your belly is simply because you were lied to…And that’s the reason you’ve felt STUCK…

  • You DON’T need to suffer through long boring workouts to get the flat and firm belly you desire.
  • You DON’T have to destroy your knees, hips, and back with running, cardio, and insane workouts.
  • You DON’T need expensive gym memberships or fancy equipment
  • And You absolutely DON’T have to starve yourself

Those other workout programs work against you body and only destroy your metabolism and make your belly fatter as you age.

That’s why it hasn’t been your fault - Well, today is YOUR day... your day to retake control by taking responsibility: Try the Bikini Belly System for 60 full days, on me... and see the results you desire, or you pay nothing!

Do the smart thing and choose to take action and responsibility right now for your body and life.

Your Price Today: $15


Shawna Kaminski

P.S. - I'm a big fan of practicing what you preach. Here I am enjoying my own personal Bikini Belly. Not bad for 52! Look, I can tell you from personal and professional experience that the ONLY reason you don't a the Bikini Belly you desire is because you're training your belly completely WRONG. It's not your age, your fitness level, or anything else...It's simply because you don't know these little knwon flat belly secrets... Very few do...Otherwise every woman would have a bikini belly...

P.P.S. - Remember: The unwanted fat around your belly will continue to plague you every single day and keep you from feeling confident in your own body. Your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s will continue to rise with each passing year taking weeks,months, and even years off of your life. Yet, right now you can take responsibility and claim the flat belly you’ve always desired in just minutes a week using nothing but your own body weight.

P.P.P.S. Don't Forget: You DON’T have to decide right now... Take advantage of my Unconditional "Triple Guarantee” and get results first, then decide. ALL of the risk is on me - Try the Bikini Belly System for 60 full days, on me... and see the results you desire, or you pay nothing!

Your Price Today: $15


Have A Question?

I Probably Already Answered It Below!

Q: What is this and how does it work so well for women over 35?

My Bikini Belly Only Flat Belly Training System For Women That Switches OFF Your “Menopause Molecules” And Helps You Visibly SEE A Flat And Firm Belly In Only 21 Days WITHOUT Starving Or Suffering Through Long Boring Workouts.

The magic of this 21 Day bodyweight ab program is all in the sequencing and exercise selection of the 3 special type of flat belly workouts that have been carefully programmed to match your current hormonal state.

This is not only the fastest way possible for your body to burn all your belly fat but it’s by far the easiest since your all the components of your metabolism are synergistically working together to burn more fat from your belly, every hour of the day.

My Bikini Belly is specifically for women who haven’t been able to get a flat tummy no matter how hard you try. If this sounds like you, and you'd like to lose your belly with very short workouts using nothing but your bodyweight - then Bikini Belly is your answer.

Q: How long before I see results?

Not long at all. Typically you’ll experience results after your 3rd workout, which only accelerates each week for 21 days. I do request that you take a before picture of yourself on day 1 as the results can be very dramatic over a very short time.

Q: What if I have a lot of weight to lose? Will it work for me?

Absolutely. This program was specifically designed for women 35 and over who want to quickly lose the unwanted midlife belly fat. I've specifically designed this so that ANY woman at ANY age at ANY fitness level can use this.

If you’re a woman and have weight to lose in your belly it will work for you. Just think about the extraordinary before and after stories you saw above… these are women who’ve failed with every other program out there and they were finally able to lose their belly fast… now it’s your turn!

Your Price Today: $15


Q: What if I’m only trying to lose those last 10 pounds?

While the program definitely works for those who have a lot of weight to lose, if you only have 10 - 15 pounds to lose, it will certainly help you lose those last pounds incredibly fast as well. If you’re a woman who has unwanted belly weight that you’d like to quickly lose this will work for you.

Q: Will this program work for someone older?

Again, this system is so successful because it works with your body to switch off your fat storing menopause molecules - this automatically rebuilds your metabolism to make it faster, healthier as you age, and more effective at ridding unwanted belly fat - which becomes even MORE important the older you get.

It doesn’t matter if you’re 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 - If you’re a woman struggling to lose belly weight as you age then you MUST switch OFF your menopause molecules and this is the program to get the job done. Even if every other program in the past has failed you.

Q: Does this program work just as quickly If I’m a man?

No. This program works specifically for women 35 and over because it is based on working WITH your body not against it. If you’re a man this program will not work for you because you have different hormonal and metabolic needs.

Your Price Today: $15


Q: Do I Need A Bunch Of Equipment? Nope. My Bikini Belly was specifically built to give you the absolute best belly slimming results using nothing but your own bodyweight. I show you how to add a few basic pieces of optional equipment into some of the advanced workouts but this isn't required.

Q: What about rebound weight gain? That is the thing that is so incredible about this system, it is specifically designed to avoid rebound weight gain because it actually works with your body’s natural systems. This way, when you decide to get off of the program, your metabolism is going to be faster than it has ever been before in your life so the weight effortlessly stays off for good.

Q: How long will it be only $15? Unfortunately, this special pre-launch sale cannot last forever and is not guaranteed past today.

Your Price Today: $15


Q: Will anything else be sent to me, or billed to me, after I order? No… this is 100% online product that you will be granted immediate access to upon purchase. You only get charged one time for what you order today and nothing more.

Q: I want to start getting results now, do I have to wait for you to ship me the program before I get started? The entire program will be available for you to access instantly right over your computer after you place your secure order… no shipping fees, no waiting for results. And don’t worry, it’s super simple to access the program right from your computer with a click of a button.

Q: What if the program doesn't work for me? Then you will get a 100% of your money back right away! Just email me : Support [at] and you’ll receive a prompt refund. Believe me, I’m so excited about this program, all I want is the opportunity to prove to you that it works. You are completely protected with an Ironclad 100% money back guarantee so that you risk nothing.

Your Price Today: $15


Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a "typical" result is. The truth: most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. The biggest factor is your ability to follow through. There is no such thing as a Magic Bullet. Your effort will determine your results.

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